Billie Baby Massage Lotion 100ml

Billie Baby Massage Lotion 100ml

Product Code: billie goat
In Stock
Price: $14.95

Billie Goat Soap has made it simple, with Baby Massage Lotion. Baby massage has been practiced in Asia and India for centuries, more recently becoming popular in Western countries. It can help babies sleep better, suffer less wind and also promotes the bond between parent and baby.

Infant massage is also good for parents because it releases oxytocin, the hormone that helps reduce stress. Perfectly right before bedtime, Billie Goat Soap Baby Massage Lotion provides all the hydration, nourishment and protection that your baby’s skin is crying out for! Combining goats milk and the moisturising benefits of Shea Butter, it’s especially perfect for sensitive skin.

The benefits of massage go beyond the physical, though. Soothing touch and concentrated attention can lead to increased communication between parent and child, strengthening the bond between them. 

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